Abc Pascal For Mac

Abc Pascal For Mac

Free Pascal (aka FPK Pascal) is a 32 and 64 bit professional Pascal compiler. It is available for different processors: Intel x86, Amd64/x8664, PowerPC, PowerPC64. Free Open Source Mac Windows Linux Windows Mobile BSD. AROS Haiku AmigaOS MorphOS. Free Pascal (aka FPK Pascal) is a 32 and 64 bit professional Pascal compiler. It is available for different processors: Intel x86, Amd64/x86 64, PowerPC, Sparc. Online Pascal Compiler. Code, Compile, Run and Debug Pascal program online. Write your code in this editor and press 'Run' button to execute it.


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Delphi 2007 Help shows many languages except Delphi/Pascal.
Hi, New here. I am looking over the installed Help for Delphi 2007 from both the Help menu and the Start-->Codegear-->RAD studio documentation. I see much search by language capabilities, (C++, C#, jscript, visual basic). I do not see Delphi/Pascal examples. Where is the language help and examples for Delphi/Pascal in Delphi 2007? Is there something I have to install? What am I missing? -- IV ...
online programming test for a job, 57 languages to choose from, no Delphi/pascal As part of a job application i was sent a link to an online programming test. In this app , i had to select which language i wanted to answer the test in. ABAP,AsciiDoc,coffeescript,coldfusion,c#,css,dart,diff,dot,glsl,go,groovy,haxe,haml,c/c++,clojure,jade,java,jsp,javascript,json,jsx,latex,less,lisp,liquid,lua,luapage,luscene,makefile,markdown,objective-c,ocaml,perl,pgsql,php,powershell,python,r,rdoc,rhtml,ruby,openscad,scala,scss,sh,sql,stylus,svg,tcl,tex,text,textile,typescript,xml,xquery,yaml Nope, no pascal, no Delphi > Nope, no pascal, no Delphi bu...
Language like Delphi 6 or Delphi 7
Hi I like to make application what will connect to web services(SOAP or REST) and send data to server via HTTPS. I have previous experience with Delphi 6 and Delphi 7.I know that language in Delphi 2009 is changed. Which is the last Delhi(Delphi 2005, Delphi 2009) what have the languages like Delphi 6 or Delphi 7. Additional ,which edition(home,professional ,architect) I should use if i like to achieve my task? Pero perov wrote: > I know that language in Delphi 2009 is changed. That is not true. > Which is the last Delhi(Delphi 2005, Delphi 2009) what > have the lan...
Delphi 64bit versus Delphi Mac/Linux
interesting comments... 'Ralf Stocker' <> wrote in message > interesting comments... > A very small fraction of Delphi users actually need the memory access of 64 bit, and 32 bit apps will work the same on x64 anyway. A small fraction of Delphi users actually need cross-platform support. I'm not sure if having either first will 'save' Delphi from the 'traditional' tools for each platform (VS, Cocoa, Eclipse, et...
Delphi and Delphi for .Net
It seems that Delphi for .Net is slower than Delphi Win32 native applicaiton. I would like to know is it true all .Net application is slower than Win32 native applicaiton or it is Delphi for .Net only. Your information is great appreciated, Inung On 2011-06-21 18:20:17 +0100, Inung Huang said: > It seems that Delphi for .Net is slower than Delphi Win32 native applicaiton. > I would like to know is it true all .Net application is slower than > Win32 native applicaiton or it is Delphi for .Net only. If you are only running the code in the application once then, yes, yo...
Will Delphi XE2 co-exist with other Delphi versions ?
Can I install it on a machine that's got other Delphi's on it ? Lut Mentz wrote: > Can I install it on a machine that's got other Delphi's on it ? Yes. As far as I know that has always been the case. -- -Mike (TeamB) Lut Mentz wrote: > Can I install it on a machine that's got other Delphi's on it ? Yes -- it has always been the case that the new version co-exists peacefully with all the older ones. -- Nick Hodges -- Product Development Manager Gateway Ticketing Systems > {quote:title=Mike Williams ...
Win32 program: Delphi 7 vs Delphi XE5
How is a D7 Win32 program compared to a Delphi XE5 one in terms of stability and performance? Is Delphi XE5 good enough for a big ERP project with several DLL's and hundreds of units and forms? Thanks in advance Am 26.12.2013 15:02, schrieb lior ilan: > How is a D7 Win32 program compared to a Delphi XE5 one in terms of stability > and performance? > Is Delphi XE5 good enough for a big ERP project with several DLL's and > hundreds of units and forms? > Thanks in advance > Hello, XE5 has increased functionality. Stability seems to be ok for most ...
HELP! Trying to Complie old Delphi program on any version of Delphi
Hey everyone I'm new to the programming world and unfortunately I have come across a big problem that I will hope I can get some help with. I have a program that was apparently created using delphi 3 and then finished using delphi 4 with some additional parts added later. I have found copies of amost every version of delphi ever made and installed them on my pc and attempted to compile this program in question. Unfortuantely I have yet to get it to compile without a few thousand error messages and I am st uck between a rock and a hard place. I know very little of Delphi programming, let a...
Win32 Delphi language features introduced since Delphi 7
Hi, Am I right in thinking that the language features introduced since Delphi 7 fall into the categories: a) language features dictated by .Net compatibility. e.g. Namespaces, Inlining, records with methods, operator overloading, pure interfaces, generics, extended RTTI and reflection; b) Unicode strings and supporting procedures? c) 64-bit support What other language features, if any, have been introduced since D7? Had most of the post-D7 languages features, except for generics, Unicode strings, and 64-bit support, been introduced in or before Delphi 2005? How bug-free were ...
EVarriantTypeCast error delphi language general
I uploaded above subject to the attachment space.with If somebody coul have a look at the test i prepared. Since overall QuickReport does work, i could not guess what is going on here. Thanks in advance to have a look at the attached test i made and hopefully somebody can find the issue. Regards. Lieven Hi xxx, If nothing works, it could mean that somewhere a mistake was For the uploaded to public attachment solution below. Regards Lieven {Sql code} QryPtDat1.Sql.Clear; QryPtDat1.Sql.Add('SELECT D.'Names', ...
Delphi 4 program running on Vista?
Hi, I wrote a Delphi 4 DBE database application many years ago for a client of mine. Originally it was written for Win ME then successfully installed on a Win Xp machine. Now the my client tried to install the program on Vista but could not get it to run. Currently I am using Delphi 2009 on a Win Xp Pro sp3 (32 bit) machine. Questions: 1. Is there a way to make the original software run on Vista (64 bit)? 2. If I re-compile the original D4 code using Delphi 2009 on a Win XP Pro machine (32 bit), are there Vista (64 bit) compatibility problems? 3. Can Delphi 2009 generate 6...
Running app written in Delphi on Mac
Hi, I've got a Win32 app written in Delphi2006, being ported to D2009 (no use of database). My customer is asking if they can run it on a Mac (damn, I'm so lucky, the few times I touched a Mac, I managed to crash that 'uncrashable' OS!!!). Anyway, has anybody got any experience in that? I found on the web that a few Windows Emulator exist for Mac, if my customer hasn't got any of these emulators and is willing to buy one to run my app, is there one that is recommended to be more compatible with apps written in Delphi? Thanks, David 'David Teta...
Delphi VCL programs on Mac Lion
Usually on MACs people have to install Wine tu run Delphi VCL programs: But I just got the information that on Lion computers Delphi VCL programs can only be run from the command line (and not using Wine GUI). - Does it mean improvement (making Windows programs run easier on MAC)? - Or is it step back (run only from command line)? - Will there be a new version Wine for Lion? Anybody knows anything about it? Thanks in advance. Am 06.09.2012 08:32, schrieb Andrej Mrvar: > But I just got the information that on Lion computers ...
How to fix get IP-MAC pairs code below from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2009 ?
How to get All IP - MAC address pairs on local PC by Delphi 2009 ? The Code below can get correct answer on Delphi 7, but get error answer on Delphi 2009. How to fix ? or Are there the better method ? // Delphi 7 (Delphi 2009 failed) // // Get Alll IP-MAC address pairs on local PC // unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; function GetIPMAC: String; const ANY_SIZE = 1; MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 8; // arb. MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN = 256; { mrapi.h } MAXL...